Autor(es): João Victor Facchini Rodrigues, Rosane Teixeira Lelis, Fabio Ribeiro Braga, Lorendane Millena de Carvalho, Mariana Costa Fausto, Wendeo ferreira da Silveira, Alessandra Teixeira de Paula, Arnaldo Maldonado Junior, Juberlan Silva Garcia, Jackson Victor de Araújo
» Área de pesquisa: HELMINTOLOGIA
» Instituição: Universidade Federal de Viçosa
» Agência de fomento e patrocinadores: Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais - FAPEMIG
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES
Echinostoma paraensei is a trematode that can cause a zoonosis known as echinostomiasis. The species Pochonia chlamydosporia is ovicidal nematophagous fungus, naturally found in Brazilian soils. To evaluate the ovicidal activity of the P. chlamydosporia on E. paraensei egss, a total of 1000 eggs of this trematode were placed in Petri dishes containing 2% WA with one isolate of grown fungus (VC1 and/or VC4) for 10 days, constituting the treated group. The control group consisted of 1000 eggs of E. paraensei without fungus. Six replicates were used for both the treated and control groups. At the end of 15 days after inoculation, 100 eggs were removed from each of the plates containing fungal isolates and from the control plate (without fungus). These eggs were evaluated by light microscopy at 40x objective, according to the parameters established for ovicidal activity: type 1 effect, effect without morphological damage to eggshell, where hyphae are observed attached to the shell; type 2 effect, lytic effect with morphological alteration of embryo and egg shell with hyphal penetration through the shell; and type 3 effect, lytic effect with morphological alteration of embryo and eggshell, in addition to hyphal penetration and internal egg colonization. There was no difference (p > 0.05) in ovicidal activity among the tested isolates. The isolate VC1 has shown: a type 1 effect (20.3%); a type 2 effect (28.6%); and a type 3 effect (33.9%) on the parasitized eggs. Isolate VC4 has shown: 16.6% of a type 1 effect; 31.6% of a type 2 effect; and 39.6% of a type 3 effect. Both tested isolates of the fungus P. chlamydosporia were effective in the infection and subsequent destruction of E. paraensei eggs.